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Tuesday, November 23, 2010


So I have this constant beef with anyone who writes a blog, or organizes an event or does anything, labels it "global" and then refuses to include Africa, when Africans are everywhere. This was a pet peeve of mine on my college campus, especially since our African Students' Association was pretty active, and it's extended to the blogosphere, as I continue to see people ignoring the people on the continent who are contributing to global culture. So it was with great joy that I saw that MTV's global music blog, MTV Iggy did a feature on Ego, a newcomer to our "Afro 'n; B" scene in Naija. It's a pretty good piece of reporting, which impresses me more because it means they're not just putting it on the blog for show - they're actually interested in covering the African music scene on the blog. Check out the article here, and if you're late to the Ego party like I am, check out the late-summer jam Thinking About You featuring Harrysong below.

Methinks our girl is giving Afro Kendy a run for her money ;)

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